Saira Banu recalled the brother-sister bond that existed between Dilip Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar and shared, “Despite Being Busy, They Both Would Find A Way To Meet On Raksha Bandhan.”


Saira Banu, a renowned actress, took to social media on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan to share a lengthy and sincere message. In it, she spoke about the sisterly affection that Lata Mangeshkar had for her husband Dilip Kumar throughout their many years of marriage.

This relationship between the two legends is not a secret, and even after old age set in on them, they never forgot the connection that they had shared since their early days in Bollywood. Instead, they remained close till the end of their lives.

The actress shared a number of images of the two of them throughout their latter years on Instagram, demonstrating how their friendship endured throughout their entire lives. She provided a lengthy narrative as the post’s caption, outlining the background of the brother-sister relationship throughout their entire lives.

In point of fact, Dilip Kumar had always considered Lata Mangeshkar to be his younger sister, and he introduced her to the rest of the world as such: “Dilip Sahib bestowed upon her the honour of being introduced at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London where the echoes of the first Indian concert resounded.”

“He called her on the stage in the most uncomplicated way possible. It goes something like this: “Ye meri choti si behen bohat mukhtasar si, main inhein introduce karne aaya hoon.” The response from the audience was really enthusiastic. At the same function, thousands of long playing records were manufactured and offered for sale to the general public. After a number of years had passed, he reintroduced her in the same manner at the London Palladium.
This link between brother and sister lasted to the very end, through thick and thin, in good health and in bad. She visited Sahib frequently in our house, and while she was here, they shared lunch or dinner together,” the witness continued.

“During the very last visit that she made here, she tenderly fed him with her own hands, and the two of them together formed such a sweet and endearing sight. The love that they had for one another was immense.
Dilip Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar are two legends who do not require an introduction. Their partnership lasted for more than seven decades ever from their first meeting in 1948, when both of them had met on a local train in Mumbai. Both of them had been performing in Bollywood films.
The film “Mughal-E-Azam” is a prime example of the pair’s contributions to some of the most legendary motion pictures ever produced in India.




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